
Always in control Always in sight.

About Us

Sprintlink was stablished in 2017. Since then, it has devoted its full dedication into long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver. With highly experienced experts and team members, Sprintlink owns the core technology in defining proprietary wireless communication protocols,FPGA implementation, RF design, video processing, and high speed digital circuit design. Sprintlink provides off-the shelf and OEM long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver to companies in the unmanned vehicle, security and robotics across the globe.
Sprintlink products have advantage of flexible interfaces, point to point and point-to-multipoint networking communication, and excellent non-line-of-sight long-range transmission. With FPGA-based software defined radio (SDR) architecture, Sprintlink products can be tailored for customer’s requirements and have the ability to continuously evolve to adapt to new applications.
Sprintlink, pioneers in wireless video transmission.
Sprintlink, combo link with video, command and control, and telemetry;
Always in control and always in sight.

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